
kits - le 24 juin - 3 juillet 2014 / june 24th - July 3rd, 2014

EmballeToi! kits & poid de / by Nicole Fournier
3RV non-biodegradable (manteau et pantalon d'hiver non-récupérable / unusable recuperated winter coats & pants) & biodegradable coton récupéré / recuperated cotton

photo Nicole Fournier

info en anglais - traduction en français à venir

EmballeToi! kit by Nicole Fournier
made from polyester (fake suede and fur) winter coat - that otherwise would go to landfill
with aster (good food for pollinators)
practical and abstract creations hand sewing by Nicole Fournier

EmballeToi! kit by Nicole Fournier
made from polyester (fake suede and fur) winter coat - that otherwise would go to landfill
with aster (good food for pollinators)
practical and abstract creations hand sewing by Nicole Fournier

EmballeToi! kit by Nicole Fournier
made from two polyester winter coat - that otherwise would go to landfill
with medicinal artemisia and yarrow 
practical creations of hand sewing by Nicole Fournier

EmballeToi! kit by Nicole Fournier
made from two polyester (fake suede and fur) winter coat - that otherwise would go to landfill
with edible, medicinal goldenrod, yarrow and St-John's Wort (also good food for pollinators)
practical creations of hand sewing and leaving evidence of original recuperated winter coast, by Nicole Fournier

EmballeToi! kit by Nicole Fournier
made from two polyester (fake suede and fur) winter coat - that otherwise would go to landfill
with edible, medicinal goldenrod, yarrow and St-John's Wort (also good food for pollinators)
practical creations of hand sewing and leaving evidence of original recuperated winter coast, by Nicole Fournier

EmballeToi! kit by Nicole Fournier
made from two polyester (fake suede and fur) winter coat - that otherwise would go to landfill
with edible, medicinal goldenrod, yarrow and St-John's Wort (also good food for pollinators)
practical creations of hand sewing and leaving evidence of original recuperated winter coast, by Nicole Fournier

EmballeToi! kit by Nicole Fournier
made from polyester and nylon winter coat - that otherwise would go to landfill
with mint (edible and flowers good food for pollinators)
practical and abstract creations hand sewing by Nicole Fournier

EmballeToi! kit by Nicole Fournier
made from polyester snowsuit pants - that otherwise would go to landfill
with jerusalem artichoke (edible and medicinal roots, flowers in september - good food for pollinators)
practical and abstract creations hand sewing by Nicole Fournier

EmballeToi! kit by Nicole Fournier
made from polyester snowsuit pants - that otherwise would go to landfill
with jerusalem artichoke (edible and medicinal roots, flowers in september - good food for pollinators)
practical and abstract creations hand sewing by Nicole Fournier

photos Nicole Fournier